Sunday, March 31, 2013

pig sprinkles

Happy Easter, friends and family!
Here is my paska. Mostly a success. 
I made 3 loaves and covered them with powdered sugar glaze and PIG SPRINKLES! 
I had been waiting a long time to use those pig sprinkles.
When I put the glaze on one of the loaves it a small part caved in right in the middle where the crust was too thin. (You can sort of see it on the left loaf above.)
There was a sea of glaze and piglets flowing into the crust cavern. 
Kind of sad, but there was nothing I could really do to save them. 
I won't be taking that one to the Easter gathering.  
Ben and I have been nibbling away at it instead.

Jen, Frank, Nate (another jazz TA), Ben and I all went out to Wakulla Beach last night to have a bonfire, grill hot dogs, cook zucchini in foil packages and share a few beers. It was windy and cool, but the wind calmed down eventually and it became a perfect night to sit by the fire. I hope we have at least one more chance to get out there because we really enjoyed getting out of the city into some peace and quiet.

Ben's last FSU ensemble performance is tomorrow with Big Band I and directing Big Band III! 
They're supposed to have an outdoor concert, but I'm betting on rain, turning it into an indoor concert. 
It would be nice if it could stay outdoors, but we'll see. 

April, people.
April starts tomorrow.
May will follow shortly. 
Kind of hard to believe. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

positive friday

It is such a Good Friday...literally! (I know. I'm hilarious.)

I just did a great job on my Family Relationships test and don't have to worry about it for the rest of the weekend. I always love successfully releasing all of that information onto my exam pages, leaving it there, and moving on to the next (and in this case FINAL) unit.

Someone is coming to look at our apartment today and it's so clean.
(A clean house makes me SO happy!)

It's going to be 75 and sunny! I was just telling Ben that I need a little sun.

And there are just a lot of good things going on this weekend: making paska, Skyping with modmates, bonfires (hopefully), March Madness and lots of studying/reading (that's not that much fun).

Addendum: After Ab Psych I biked home and saw that our landlord was just going inside to look at our apartment. I decided not to disturb them, so I biked over to Bruegger's to study and eat an onion bagel with BACON  SCALLION cream cheese and an iced coffee. Num.

Have a nice Easter weekend!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

the south

I was coming home from my yearly check-up at the doctor and I heard an interesting story being discussed on Talk of the Nation. They were talking about what it means to be a Southerner and Tracy Thompson's new book called "The New Mind of the South". Listen to the interview if you're interested. A guy from Tallahassee actually called in to talk about what it meant for him as an African American. It just got me thinking that I really am in "the South" and now I know a little bit more about what it means to live here, and how excited and grateful I am for that. I feel so much more authentic. When I found out we were moving to Tallahassee I remember picturing "beaches" and not so much "the South". Obviously I figured that out, but who knows until you experience it?

The reason I'm getting all sentimental is because I just had my doctor's appointment and was reminded that I LOVE my doctor. 
How did I get so lucky finding such an awesome lady? 
She congratulated me for everything that is coming up and even gave me a hug goodbye and told me to call if I needed anything. 

I have 3 exams within the next week. 
Didn't actually see that coming.
All the excitement is making me delusional. 
I hope that having all of these tests NOW frees up some time when Emily and Dorothy come down for Ben's recital on April 13. 
I also stopped at Lucy and Leo's for cupcakes. 
It just felt right.
Even though I'll be getting my sweet fix when I try to make paska this weekend for our Easter Potluck with friends. 
Paska = Easter bread.

It's slowly warming up around here. 
Did you hear our March temps are crazy lower than our January temps? 
Watch the video about "Marchuary" in the Southeast HERE.

Still procrastinating.
Family Relationships test tomorrow.
Being tested on topics like: how the United States has some of the worst maternity/paternity leave benefits in the world. 
Why should that make me want to have kids?
Back to work!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

equality, please.

For those friends wondering, this special "red" equality symbol signifies that marriage equality really is all about love. Thanks to the Human Rights Campaign for this effort. Please consider changing your profile today in support--esp if you are a straight ally.

Sorry I haven't written much lately.
Nothing very exciting going on.
But then this picture started being sprinkled throughout my Facebook newsfeed today, and it is now my profile picture.
Marriage equality is being debated in the Supreme Court, and hopefully we'll be making another step towards TRUE equality in this country. Woo!
Here's some short background info from NPR for what is being debated today, in case you don't know the details.

I'm sorry for the incessant countdown, but only 7 more weeks until we're on South Dakota soil!
If I repeat myself on the topics of "packing", "our last time doing (fill in blank) in Florida..." or "unbridled excitement", please forgive me. 

Procrastinating a little right now...back to work. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Thought I would follow-up with Ben's defense news. 
He VERY successfully defended and passed. 
He was concerned that he would get yelled at or asked to change something.
On the contrary. 
They praised his work.
They brought up a few questions, but did not ask for any changes to be made. 
I think they are also used to getting MUCH worse from students. 
All of the grad students in the jazz department asked for extensions last year because they weren't able to finish on time. 
But Ben is a very natural writer and academic. 
I am glad he is the one who attended FSU and had to write the huge paper in 1 week, and not me. 
He will be proofreading all of my papers when I am in grad school. 
He was nervous, but I knew he had no need to be. 
We celebrated at Monk's with burgers last night.
Then we watched March Madness.
Seeing Florida Gulf Coast beat Georgetown was awesome. 
I watched KU a little passed half time. 
Sickness was wearing me down, and I trusted that they would win in the end. 
And they did.

So here we go. 
Ben's recital is in exactly 3 weeks.
5 more weeks of school.
We decided that we're moving out on May 12.
Mom and Dad can hopefully show up on May 11 and we can pack up.
Then take off on the 12th and be back in South Dakota by the 13th.
And hopefully they can bring Paula as my driving buddy. 

It is about ready to storm down here.
VERY dark outside.
And Ben had better hurry because he's running 8 miles right now.
The weather is SO different than what it was last year.
Close to this same time last year Alyssa and Austin came to visit and we went to the BEACH!
We've had a few warm days, but it has stayed fairly temperate. 
Perhaps we've had a little more rain?
Definitely cooler than before.
Regardless, we're so grateful. 
The longer we can stave off the heat, the better. 

I'm going to attempt some reading for class.
Nurse whatever illness is in my throat.
Make blackberry pancakes.
Finish laundry.
And listen to the rain and thunder.
Ben will likely be soaking when he returns.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Ben had a trombone choir concert last night.
Super cute. Tons of trombone nerds. 
Afterwards we went over to Club Downunder to hear Melvin Jones and Mace Hibbard with FSU jazz faculty. 
Sounded great.

It has felt like a long week, which is what it's supposed to feel like immediately following Spring Break.
Illness doesn't help. 
I didn't sleep well last night because I didn't take a Benedryl. 
Do I seriously need to take a Benedryl EVERY night in order to sleep?
I guess for now, yes. 
It's mostly a sniffly nose and sore throat. 
Luckily, I don't have another test until next Friday so I don't have to feel the stress of cramming things into my head for a little bit.

It is 11:30 am as I start writing this.
Ben's defense is at noon. 
I'm so excited for him to take care of it BEFORE the weekend starts so his irrational fears no longer haunt him. 
Usually I'm the one with the irrational fears. His turn. 
I can't wait to hear how it goes. 

So I am DEFINITELY going to take a nap, drink some tea and relax this afternoon. 
Maybe we'll go out for supper to celebrate, or Ben can cook for me because I refuse to lift a hand this evening. (That's not completely true.)

Hope ya'll have a good weekend. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

on the verge

So we're on busy class day #2 for the week and I am on the verge of sickness.
It seems my insomnia may have done me in. 
But it could be allergies. (Pollen is falling like snow out there.)
I don't know.
I'm not a doctor. 
I felt pretty spacey yesterday (as in lack of concentration), had (and still have) a cruddy throat, and just feel like my body is catching something.
My Story Group DON friend (Director of Nursing) suggested Benedryl (which I DID take last night) so I could actually fall asleep and get my circadian rhythm back on track. Great advice. Most restful sleep I've had in a week. 
Now I at least feel rested and ready to tackle my Personality test this afternoon. 
I actually have my yearly check-up next week, so if I'm sick by that point we can address it. 
So I'm going to go boost my body with some juice, tea and studying. 
Not ready to quit just yet.

Monday, March 18, 2013

69 pages

Just a quick update before I become enslaved again.
Ben completed and printed his comps on Saturday morning.
Then he ran 7 miles.
Then he drove to Lakeland/Tampa/Orlando area for his baseball game with Cory.
He JUST returned at 11:30 am and scampered off to school to have his lesson, turn in his comps and so many other things that one wishes they weren't doing after returning from a vacation. 
He'll be ok. I sent food along.

The rest of my weekend was pretty boring. 
It just involved cooking, cleaning and studying. 
I wanted to go to Black Dog Cafe on Sunday morning, but it looked like rain, so I opted for coffee on the deck, followed by church.

Story Group is at our house tomorrow evening. 
I already have a Personality test coming up on Wednesday. 
And a quiz in Family Relationships.
Time to get things rolling again.
I need a nap first. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

at it again

Looks like the spring break weather is showing up a week late.
Oh well. 
Ben was too busy to go with me to the beach this week, so we'll just have to save it for an upcoming Saturday trip. 

I'm trying to think of what I've been doing, but it's all kind of melded together.
I made my own pork stock, which made me feel like the most competent and capable human being on the planet, despite the fact that it is very, very easy.
I simmered a pork bone, onions, a few carrots, thyme and a bay leaf in water for many hours.
Then I took those things out and jarred up the broth.
Bam! Stock. 
Forget you, Swanson's.  

The week of freedom is almost over, and I'm already starting to hit the books a little harder. 
I think this might be the first spring break where I can say,
Maybe I'll change my mind on Monday morning, but I'm seriously feeling ready to tackle these last
6 weeks of class!
6 weeks! And then a few days of finals.
I'm grateful that our Personality final is actually a week BEFORE finals. 
So humane. 

Ben is currently formatting and editing his 68 page paper (give or take).
What a rock star.
He's planning to leave for Tampa on Saturday afternoon to catch a Tigers spring training baseball game with his friend from Michigan, who invited him to stay with him and his family in their condo. 
So I will be left to my own devices on Saturday evening and Sunday. 

I might walk up to Black Dog Cafe/Lake Ella for coffee and studying, like I did this morning.
I'll try to remember to take a picture or two.
I was reminded this morning how BEAUTIFUL Tallahassee can be.
Right now mornings are cool, sunny and calm (NO WIND).
And very few cars on the weekends. 
It's pretty confusing for the wardrobe. 
The sun is much warmer than the Midwest, but the air is still cool. 
If Tallahassee was closer in driving distance to our friends and families, I would definitely consider staying here. 
It's amazing how much you grow into a place, and it grows into you. 
If you move somewhere, definitely stay awhile. 
You will go through periods of hatred and love. 
I already know I will miss this place and the connections we have made.

But thank heavens we're leaving before another sweaty Florida summer. 
And no more expensive plane rides.

I just hope the SNOW and COLD grows back on me when we make Milwaukee our home. 

So have a fabulous Schmeckfest to those who are in my homeland. 
Oh, to feel fat right along with you. 
Maybe next year.

We're off to check out running shoes.
Even me.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

sleeping in

I've been sleeping in every day, mostly because of insomnia, but also because it's spring break.

A quick note on my insomnia: Sometimes I get into these grooves where I just can't shut my brain off or lay still. It's like I forget how to fall asleep for a period of time. It usually occurs when I'm stressed or way too excited.

(I already know I am way to excited for everything coming up. WAY. TOO. EXCITED.)

Then I usually just have to get a ritual going where I shut off my electronics an hour or so before I go to sleep, drink camomile tea, and read for awhile. I read for 2 hours last night, which was awesome in the first place because I am BAD about setting time aside for fun reading. And it worked. I fell asleep relatively quickly (by my own standards) and slept all the way through the night. I feel SO much better than yesterday. I plan on doing it again tonight. And eventually my body will internalize the process and I will hopefully be able to sleep well for the last 9 WEEKS THAT WE LIVE IN FLORIDA!

Anyway, I started Monday off with pancakes. On Sunday night we were watching an episode of Portlandia and Carrie and Fred waited in line for practically the entire episode just so that they could eat some amazing berry pancakes at some restaurant. I immediately craved pancakes and decided that they would be breakfast, but should have made them with berries. Still a nice way to start break.

Afterwards I cleaned the whole kitchen. I scrubbed the crevices with Soft Scrub and a toothbrush. A toothbrush is the key to making something look brand new. I didn't want to cook after I cleaned the oven. Too beautiful.

I am happy to say that Ben is plowing through comps. He's on page 45 and starting his third and final question today.

So Monday I cleaned a fair amount. Tuesday was spent on some Mount Mary financial aid stuff, starting my FAFSA form and working on graduate assistantship applications. The applications were only 1 page forms, but they did want me to attach my resume, so I had to update that a little (always time consuming). I'm applying for both the Art Therapy Department Grad Assistantship and the Office of Graduate Admissions Assistantship. I would love to have either because it reduces your semester costs by 25%, but we'll see because they're much sought-after positions.

I'm picking up Jen and Frank from the airport this afternoon, otherwise I'll be going about my normal "business".

Yesterday was so grey, but today looks sunny and beautiful. BUT look at those low temperatures! (see below) This is not the spring break we experienced last year. I'm sure spending time on the beach itself would be beautiful, but the water is probably still too cold. Might have to save the beach for April/May.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I feel like I JUST wrote the post for the five year anniversary. Six came out of nowhere!
Seems like such a shame to start back at 1 next year.
Oh well. We all know how long it's really been.

Yesterday was a pretty productive day for both of us.
Today, not so much.

Last night we went to Bahn Thai for supper with our pastor (from Tally) and her partner.
Our pastor (that is marrying us) suggested that we get a "mentor couple" to sit down and talk with about any sage marriage advice/wisdom that they would pass on.
We knew Nancy and Della would be so perfect, and they absolutely were.
I cannot emphasize how smart, sensitive and logical these women are.
They shared truly invaluable marriage advice.... and they're not even allowed to be married.
Ludicrous, because they KNOW what they're doing.

AND they gave us the best anniversary gift.
2 absolutely free VIP tickets to the "Jazz for Justice" event being held in town today.
We hung out on a huge fancy porch listening to live jazz, drinking free champagne with friends and enjoying the fabulous weather.
We could not bear the thought of cooking when we got home, so we dined at El Jalisco (Mexican food).
Now we're just laying around the apartment, but I'll be ready for bed tonight.
Daylight savings + insomnia is leaving me a little fatigued.

Friday, March 8, 2013

let it begin

Our favorite visitor in the world has come to visit for the week!

We went out for a little hoorah on Ben's last night of freedom. We went to Barnacle Bill's for some tasty seafood, then over to St. Mike's Pub for some brews. He officially starts comps today.

I made a huge to-do list and then went to my Ab Psych class. I actually didn't mind it because Ab Psych is my favorite. Found out I "only" got an 88% on that test + 3 extra credit points. (Earning high scores in easier classes really messes with one's perspective of "good" grades.) Her tests are a little harder, like I said earlier, but she told us our final grades will be on a curve. That should bump me up a little bit. I think the class average for this last test was a 75%.

I'm actually planning to study a little everyday.
I know, I know.
It's not that I'm shooting for higher grades. I'm just a little behind on reading right now in ALL of my classes and I don't want to devote my final, glorious days of break to stressfully cramming A LOT of information into my head. I'm thinking 1-2 hours of reading a day. Very calm and relaxing.

So I've got a load of laundry in the dryer, I'm going make some french press coffee and start cleaning the kitchen. (NOTHING better than a clean kitchen.)


P.S. A photo of our Wednesday ice cream craving. We chose Cannoli and Caramel Coffee Buzz.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The Ab Psych test is complete!
I feel like I did very well.
To my teacher's credit, her multiple-choice questions actually make you think (unlike Gen Psych and Personality).

I feel unofficially released into my Spring Break...which will last until March 17th.
I just have to attend my classes this afternoon and Friday.
My Family Relationships professor is debating whether or not to have class on Friday. She asked how many would be GONE on Friday and a large chunk of the class raised their hand.
(I have a feeling she'll cancel because she'd rather be at home with her baby.)
I WILL, however, be attending 10 am Ab Psych. She said she's bringing candy.

I need to make a huge to-do list, but my break will pretty much consist of:
1) Cooking
2) Cleaning
3) Sewing
4) Exercising
5) Wedding stuff
6) Beach? maybe.
Ben will be busy with comps and it's been pretty cool down here recently. (Ben is grateful.)
There might not be many "HOT" days coming up, but there should definitely be "pleasant" ones.

I love going on trips, but I also kind of LOVE staying home for breaks.
SO much less stressful.
And then I actually DO relax.
But if someone wants to air mail me ANY Schmeckfest goodies that they encounter this month...I won't be disappointed.

(My Grandma Rita has sent frozen kuchen and poppyseed rolls from South Dakota to Kansas before. Don't think it's not possible.)


Friday, March 1, 2013

butter in my veins

Yesterday morning I made these gorgeous looking cinnamon rolls that you see below.
They are from the Pioneer Woman, which you can find HERE. I cut the recipe in half because I don't need 40-50 of these puppies completely ruining my attempt at healthy eating habits.
mounds of butter = very tasty
I gave a full dozen to Jen, because I DO NOT need them in my house.
That is self-sabotage.
There's even a little coffee in the icing.
Anyway, they're the best. Make them.
They went perfectly with my mother's chili recipe, which I will always favor over every other chili recipe (although I spice it up more than she does).

Sad news is that we're not going to Mirarmar Beach anymore because there was miscommunication and the person who needed a trombone replacement found one before Ben's friend found out, so it turns out they don't need him tonight.
This may not be a bad thing because Ben started to feel a little under the weather 2 days ago and he's not quite full speed at the moment. We have one more week of school and then Ben starts his comps. 

I got another 100% on my 2nd Gen Psych test. 
I currently have a 110% in the class. 
I must care too much. 
The problem is that I don't have the ability to say, "I'm shooting for a 94%", and actually DO THAT.
I just have to study my butt off and whatever I get is what I get. 
It has actually been a really good class and the teacher has made it really interesting, so I do indeed actually care more. 

I'm off to study Ab Psych (because I actually spent the majority of yesterday cooking and NOT studying).
Have a great weekend.