Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

headed north

Written Dec. 23

Here are some traveling pictures from our quick trip to Lawrence and now our journey towards South Dakota. We're currently in Norfolk, NE. We had a great time with friends in Lawrence on Friday and celebrated Alyssa and Kristin's birthdays. We zoomed back to Newton with Austin and Alyssa for Harder Christmas yesterday morning. I also managed to squeeze in several speed dates with some very good friends. We also just recently received news that cousin Mindy just gave birth to Sutton Keith this morning at 2:30 am-ish. Just in time for our arrival. Thanks, Mindy! I am very excited to be back in South Dakota to see friends and family that I haven't seen forever.

south dakota pt. I

Holidays seem to mean a vacation from the blog. Sorry. I will try to update every possible thing once I return to Florida. I have a new cousin (Sutton Keith Kindt), I gave fun gifts (KU pancake mix), I saw fabulous friends and family (not done yet) and I found a wedding dress (but it is not the one that you see)! Hope you've all had a beautiful holiday, or at least one you can be grateful for. Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

kansas pt. II

Dorothy, Em and I went searching for a wedding dress in McPherson on Monday. Didn't find "the one", but we've got appointments set in Sioux Falls next week. Hot pink is NOT the wedding color. Today Ben and I walked around Bethel to say hi to friends. After a beautiful Tacos Mexico burrito lunch we met with Ruth (Ben's pastor) for a small wedding planning and counseling session. We talked so much that we didn't cover everything, so we're reconvening on Thursday. We hear that real Christmas weather is coming.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

kansas pt. I

We had a successful journey through the airports yesterday. We even stopped by "One Flew South" in the Atlanta Airport, Concourse E for a top notch lunch. I had a pulled duck sandwich. Not something you get to do every day. It's great to be back in big sky country. Wedding dress shopping with Dorothy and Emily tomorrow! More updates to follow.

Friday, December 14, 2012

field clouds

Here's the FA Dining Extravaganza painting.
Someone who isn't my grandpa, please go bid on it.
"Field Clouds"

It's been a busy few days. I've been running errands like crazy.
Just shipped the paintings off to South Dakota this afternoon.

And here's the commissioned cityscape. It's based off a painting I made a few years ago. Not sure if it's really still my style or not, but I did enjoy putting it together.
If anyone needs one, let me know. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

sobering night

Lots of bizarre feelings going on in my head at the moment.

Around 4:00 pm I went downstairs to HR for an exit interview.  I found out that we had a new policy that states if you've been working for the center for less than 2 years you won't be paid back your Paid Time Off hours. They just made this change 2 months ago...and didn't bother to remind me. 
So I asked my supervisor if it would be ok that I leave after the Christmas luncheon on Friday because I still have 18 HOURS of PTO left. 
She didn't even know about the policy change and was a little upset that HR hadn't notified me sooner. 
She told me I should just take the next 2 days off. :)
That means...I'm done. Surprise last day. 
It felt very, very weird because it did not feel official at all, but a very pleasing surprise none-the-less.
I'm going back in for the Christmas luncheon on Friday, and to return my badge. 

So I returned home feeling strange. I didn't really know what to do with myself, so I went off to buy some more fabric for the quilt (seen above) and pick up a few Christmas gift items.

To top off the evening I received some ferociously sad news via Facebook. A Freeman High School student committed suicide today and that kind of event never fails to shake a small town. You don't have to know anyone too well to feel the effects. 
Unfortunately, it's the son of a family friend and the step-son of my high school vocal teacher, wonderful people who are on our wedding guest list. Amy has been a huge support in my life. Always motivating me and instilling ridiculous amounts of confidence in me, including giving me the lead role in my senior year musical.
Any thoughts, prayers and good vibes you'd like to direct towards the Hofer Vetch family would be most welcome. Christmas is going to be hard for them this year.

So after this emotionally jarring day, I am simultaneously confused, shocked, sad, and excited for the future. 
Got to keep moving forward.

two-hour lunch breaks

We did not do anything that I said we would do yesterday.

The winter rain moved in. Therefore, we did not go caroling.
I realized that meant I could go to my Story Group birthday party...but I started thinking about how I hadn't made time for yoga or ANY exercise since last Tuesday, so I decided to scrap everything and go to hot yoga instead.
Absolutely worth it.
Jeff (the instructor) strained his back yesterday before class, so he didn't demonstrate many poses for us.
It didn't make any difference to me, but he felt bad and gave us the class for free!
I feel great about my progress. My strength is increasing and my balance and flexibility is getting better.
Also, if you attend on a more regular basis you stop feeling like death after every class.

I must note that I have barely worked today and it is 2:38 pm.

We put Christmas decorations up in the office from 9-12 pm (because some people are way less efficient than me. I'm being really snobby, but completely serious. Time management: learn it, or delegate). I'm just glad I won't be around to take the glittery birds and garland down.

Then our Chief Medical Officer took my supervisor, the HR Director and myself out for lunch because it's my last week. The CMO is Brazilian, and late for everything, so the lunch took 2 hours (including driving across town for 20 min. there and then 20 min. back). She's in charge, so I had no problem taking a 2 hour lunch break.

2 hours and 15 minutes until 5:00 pm.

Best day ever.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Time for Product Placement with Susan.
I discovered a wonderful new coffee. (Don't ask me how my coffee addiction is going.)
It's not actually new. I've seen it before, and you probably have too.
But it was BOGO at Publix this last weekend, so I thought I'd try it.
It is a Swedish kaffe, so I immediately think of Bethany when I drink it. (That means I think of you every single morning, Bethany.)
I recommend this particular brand because it is not at all bitter, and if I'm going to save money by not going to a coffee shop every morning I might as well enjoy it.
It is rather finely ground, leaving a lot of sludge at the bottom of one's coffee cup, but this is mostly because I use a french press and not a drip coffee maker.
I plan on taking my extra bag home for Christmas. (Mother and father are not avid coffee drinkers.)
Last night Ben invited the jazz department grad assistants and their significant others over for a potluck/bbq (because you can do that during December in Florida). I had a great time with the ladies (because we do not talk/play jazz music) and everyone brought fantastic food (including jerk chicken).
We are going caroling with friends tonight, and if I have time I will go to a Story Group birthday get-together. It's a re-scheduled Story Group because of Ann's birthday (originally scheduled for next Tuesday), so I did not feel obligated to miss caroling just so I can attend, but we'll see how long it takes. I VERY, VERY much enjoy those ladies so I will definitely go if I am able.
This week is taking forever! It's all my fault. I am way too excited for my own good.
Happy Tuesday.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Hello, last Monday of steady employment!
I had my eye appointment at 8:30 this morning. 30 minutes of sleeping in was surprisingly refreshing, and I am now back to wearing my contacts.
I know I don't have much further to go, but I really wish it was Friday already. I'm sick of coworkers being sad about my leaving and whining about my future absense. It was sweet for the first week, but people really don't know when to give it up.
It's not going to make me stay, and it only seems to annoy me at this point.
I did everything I said I would do last weekend. Clean/make art/sew/drink coffee, repeat. I have two nearly finished paintings to show for it. You can see a small, small part of the extravaganza painting above.
Please go bid on it so that another family member doesn't have to.
When they're finished I'll be sure to post a picture or two.
The weather has been absolutely perfect these last few days (and still is).
It feels like spring out there.
70's. Perfectly calm. And just perfect in general.
Oh, Florida December. You are so crazy.
We hear rumors of snow in the North, so we're looking forward to that.
This week is packed. I'm going to do my best to stay sane.
It will all be worth it when we're on that plane this coming Saturday morning.
I'll make sure to update when possible.

Friday, December 7, 2012

smuggling fat tire

Ben drove to Thomasville, Georgia last week to pick up some Fat Tire. The New Belgium Brewery (Fort Collins, CO) doesn't sell it past the Florida state line. Despite the lack of New Belgium, we do get an awesome array of craft brews: Terrapin (Athens, GA), Cigar City (Tampa, FL), Sweetwater (Atlanta, GA), Brooklyn Brewery (New York), just to name a few.
My supervisor is back today. Voice box and all. Coughing is down to a minimum, which is what I truly appreciate. Ugh. Whatever. I brought my iPOD for a reason.
1 week to go, people! Just trying to wrap things up.
I need to make it a productive weekend, because it's the last one I get before we leave for Christmas.
An art-making, quilt-sewing, house-cleaning, coffee-brewing weekend.
Hope you have a lovely Friday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

december foliage

December in North Florida continues to look like fall.
I'm ok with that.
What is the Midwest looking like these days? I would really appreciate some snow while I'm home. I love bragging to the Floridians.
I finally didn't have to peel myself out of bed or hit the snooze button this morning.
Somehow, I woke up feeling well-rested and ready to tackle my Thursday.
Must be because I received some fabulous news from one of my favorite people last night, which I will tell you about later when I know it is public knowledge.
Last night after choir practice I was busy in the kitchen.
I made Coconut Crusted Chicken Tenders (although I actually used cutlets) and
really easy Peasant Bread.
The chicken turned out great. I'm sure that not a lot of folks would have Panko breadcrumbs and sweetened shredded coconut laying around their kitchen. But I did. (Perhaps Bethany, who appreciates coconut like me, would enjoy this recipe.)
The bread tasted great, but kind of lacked a bottom crust because I was lazy and didn't take the extra measure of greasing ANOTHER oven-safe bowl and transferring the extremely wet dough into it so that the loaf would pop out easily. Next time I'll be more careful.
Today I am grateful that my supervisor decided to stay home.
For the last 2 days she has claimed to have a sinus infection that "isn't contagious",
but her cough have sounded absolutely disgusting.
It also sounds like she's speaking through a voice box.
I suggested that maybe it would be best if she stayed at home so she wouldn't destroy her vocal chords.
It took 3 days for her to take her coworkers' advice, but I'm glad she finally did.
It's going to be VERY quiet today. There are A LOT of people out of the office.
Normally I don't like all of the quiet with nothing to do...but after listening to gross coughing for 2 days I'll gladly welcome it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

winter haircut

Self-pics are vain, but here's my new haircut.
I've been on a special regimen of haircuts every 6 months. (Growing my hair out for the wedding.)
It was just a wash, a trim, and an awesome 45 minutes chatting with Mary.
She just got engaged 3 days ago.  Last time I got my haircut she had just broken up with her boyfriend, moved into her own apartment and had gotten a 2nd call-back to possibly be on The Bachelor, so the engagement was quite a surprise.
She cuts my hair better than anyone I've ever tried. She also loves her job and her personality is perfect for her profession. It really shows.
Someday I hope I love my job as much as she does.
I told her if we ever come back to visit Tallahassee I will schedule a hair appointment along with the trip. I plan on having one more with her in April or May.
I'm almost completely caught up on my workload. No more interviews so I can sit at my desk and do what I need to do. We just found out that we can't have 2 people in the same position at a given time, so I can't train whoever we decide to hire. Luckily, I already have a binder full of instructions for the "new me".
I have to remind myself that my last day of work is also the day before we leave for the Midwest Christmas Extravaganza because I have got some serious cleaning/packing/errands to do.
That's 10 days away!
Just an FYI...Ben and I were going to see The Civil Wars (a band) in January because they were coming to FSU. No more. They broke up last month.
Das Racist also just broke up. They were one of the first bands we saw when we moved to Tallahassee.
As you can tell, I've run out of eye contacts. 
But have no fear, I have a special eye "contact" appointment scheduled for Dec. 10 (because they have to give you a special eye contact appointment and charge you $100 so that they can write your special contact prescription.)
Yes. I really have to pay $100 out of pocket for this appointment. My insurance is pretty decent in a lot of areas, but this is not one of them. I tried ordering my contacts online without this appointment and they denied me. Life without 20/20 vision can be depressing. Ben does not have to worry about these things.
I guess I wouldn't be that annoyed if I wasn't about to quit my job and go back to school.
Ok, on with life.
Wednesday is almost Thursday,
and Thursday is almost Friday,
and Friday is only 1 week away from calling it quits.
Good luck with your Wednesday.

Monday, December 3, 2012

studio time

I loved this last weekend and now that it's Monday morning I miss it badly.
I spent so much time in front of the sewing machine, which means a lot of  those triangles are now cute little squares. For other quilters (and even myself) this is really a "duh" statement...
but those triangles looked so much bigger when they weren't sewn together.
I realized that I really have a long way to go until I have enough for a queen-sized quilt.
Luckily, I have a ton of Fresh Air, Radio Lab, This American Life, and The Moth podcasts to listen to. I also just recently added Freakanomics to my iTunes selection.
If anyone has some good ones that I should be listening to, just let me know.
I also started a few paintings. One of them is for Freeman Academy's Dining Extravaganza Art Auction. It's the one you see above, but it's not done.
Not quite sure what I'm doing with it yet.
Go bid on it so that one of my relatives doesn' take it home.
Ben and I lit the first Advent Candle at church yesterday. (Too exciting, I know.)
I'm suddenly buckling down on our wedding guest list, which I've decided is the worst part of the wedding so far.
Everyone is my friend. EVERYONE!
But you can't invite everyone. What a travesty.
Don't worry. It'll get done.
I wish it was Dec. 14th today, but it'll be here before I know it.
Good luck with your holiday crazy times. Triumph over Christmas. Don't let it beat you.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

welcome & thanksgiving

Welcome to the new blog. It mostly took so long because I couldn't think of a name. 
I couldn't hold off any longer and just decided on the one that you see above. 
The blog should more appropriately follow me to Wisconsin, but I am a Midwestern-er who makes art so the title makes sense.
Please be patient while I decide on the template, formatting etc. 
You're going to have to click on the blog post to see all of the pictures/story with this particular page setup. We'll test it out and see how it goes.

So here's Thanksgiving. 
We did everything I said we would do, plus watching the Macy's Day Parade and the dog show.
I also made candied pecans, with Ben's help.

And here's my complete illustration for the book. I shipped it off last week and it arrived safely in Newton.

It's Sunday night and shockingly I'm not ready to go back to work. (Not shocking at all.)
10 more work days to go!