Happy Easter, friends and family!
Here is my paska. Mostly a success.
I made 3 loaves and covered them with powdered sugar glaze and PIG SPRINKLES!
I had been waiting a long time to use those pig sprinkles.
When I put the glaze on one of the loaves it a small part caved in right in the middle where the crust was too thin. (You can sort of see it on the left loaf above.)
There was a sea of glaze and piglets flowing into the crust cavern.
Kind of sad, but there was nothing I could really do to save them.
I won't be taking that one to the Easter gathering.
Ben and I have been nibbling away at it instead.
Jen, Frank, Nate (another jazz TA), Ben and I all went out to Wakulla Beach last night to have a bonfire, grill hot dogs, cook zucchini in foil packages and share a few beers. It was windy and cool, but the wind calmed down eventually and it became a perfect night to sit by the fire. I hope we have at least one more chance to get out there because we really enjoyed getting out of the city into some peace and quiet.
Ben's last FSU ensemble performance is tomorrow with Big Band I and directing Big Band III!
They're supposed to have an outdoor concert, but I'm betting on rain, turning it into an indoor concert.
It would be nice if it could stay outdoors, but we'll see.
April, people.
April starts tomorrow.
May will follow shortly.
Kind of hard to believe.