Friday, March 22, 2013


Ben had a trombone choir concert last night.
Super cute. Tons of trombone nerds. 
Afterwards we went over to Club Downunder to hear Melvin Jones and Mace Hibbard with FSU jazz faculty. 
Sounded great.

It has felt like a long week, which is what it's supposed to feel like immediately following Spring Break.
Illness doesn't help. 
I didn't sleep well last night because I didn't take a Benedryl. 
Do I seriously need to take a Benedryl EVERY night in order to sleep?
I guess for now, yes. 
It's mostly a sniffly nose and sore throat. 
Luckily, I don't have another test until next Friday so I don't have to feel the stress of cramming things into my head for a little bit.

It is 11:30 am as I start writing this.
Ben's defense is at noon. 
I'm so excited for him to take care of it BEFORE the weekend starts so his irrational fears no longer haunt him. 
Usually I'm the one with the irrational fears. His turn. 
I can't wait to hear how it goes. 

So I am DEFINITELY going to take a nap, drink some tea and relax this afternoon. 
Maybe we'll go out for supper to celebrate, or Ben can cook for me because I refuse to lift a hand this evening. (That's not completely true.)

Hope ya'll have a good weekend. 

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