Thursday, April 25, 2013


I bought this plant last spring in hopes of improving my plant-caring abilities.
I kind of suck at keeping plants alive unless they're predisposed to neglect.
I remember that I have a plant to take care of about as often as I remember to take my multivitamin.
Grandma Rita gave me a begonia to pot and keep down in Kansas before we moved. 
It actually made the trip to Florida.
And then I thought it needed some sun, so I stuck it outside...and that was the end of the road for the begonia.
So this lovely plant, know as "Planty" or "The Planty", is about 2.5 feet tall and actually FROM it won't have an identity crisis, fall over and die. 
It's actual name is an "Autumn Joy" and it hangs out in a big old ceramic pot on our deck.
I've been very confused by its development. It grew super tall, lost most of its leaves, appeared dormant throughout the winter, then the pink blooms that it's actually supposed to have finally sprouted up NEXT to the super-tall stalk thing (which holds these buds)....
I obviously don't know what I'm doing.
But the important thing is that it's still alive. 
And it might come with us to SoDak if it fits in the car, but it might not. 

Also, I received ONE MILLION mosquito bites from sitting on the deck and reading yesterday afternoon.
I didn't even notice them.
The mosquitoes down here are stealthy and lethal.
Itches worse than midwestern mosquito bites. 
I swear. 

I am about to do some serious Abnormal Psychology studying. 
TRYING REALLY HARD to do it now so that my life isn't so painful next week. 
I'm also trying to wrap my head around a lot of change that's going on in the days to come. 

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