Friday, September 13, 2013


It's been a peculiar week.
We've been talking a lot about "metaphor" recently, because as you might guess, metaphors are a huge part of the art therapist's life.
I was digging through some of my pictures yesterday and this one is probably a pretty good depiction of the week.
I've been a little stressed out about completing papers and reading because I'll be gone this weekend.

On Monday mom let me know that my great uncle had a heart-attack.
Wasn't expecting to hear that.

On Tuesday morning I received a phone call from Social Security saying that I couldn't change my social security card again without additional documents.
(brief meltdown. called them back.)
I explained my DMV dilemma and they assured me that the DMV had to change my license.
Take that, DMV.
A few hours later I received an e-mail from the Wisconsin DOT responding to an e-mail I wrote them WEEKS AGO when this whole ordeal occurred.
They said they would be sending me a NEW LICENSE (no charge) with 'Harder' as my designated last name.
Thank Allah.
My super-nice social security lady must have notified them of my situation.

Immediately after I got off the phone with the social security lady Ben brought me a package that the mailman dropped off from a dear friend who sent early grey tea and chocolate as a late birthday gift.
I immediately made a cup.

And then a few hours later mom called to notify me that Great Uncle DeLayne had passed away.
Kind of a shock.
I wasn't really expecting that.
I'm sad to say I won't be making it back for the funeral taking place tomorrow morning.
I am very much thinking of my family and extended family back home though.

Instead I will be at "opening colloquium," which will actually be the bright spot of the week.
Our entire AT program (70 of us plus our professors) are meeting at a camp in Troy, Wisconsin tonight for a weekend of art making lead by an art therapist coming all the way from New York.
We keep hearing that "everything we've been confused about up until now will make sense after colloquium." My AT friend from Newton, Ian, said that colloquium was his favorite part of the AT program at MMU. I really shouldn't miss it if I can help it because it's a team-building opportunity and just the basis for everything we learn in the program.
So really this is a very important weekend for me and I'm really looking forward to the experience.
My career counseling paper is almost written, despite some stress from my partner (the joy of group projects), and really I have to remind myself that it won't be a big deal if I don't get all of my reading done.

Ben and I also had a little homework/reading date at Colectivo on Tuesday because it was about 95 degrees outside, making the house near unbearable.
And then I ended Tuesday evening with a meaningful and stabilizing Skype date with Taylor (who's just over in Madison, but it still costs money and time to get there.)

This week I also found out that another one of my dear modmates is engaged and getting married this winter!
Cari and Dani (who's from Madrid, Spain)!
(I hope it's ok that I start telling via the blog, Cari???!!! Just tell me if it isn't. I honestly have no idea who reads my blog.)
I'm very happy and excited.
Don't put any congratulations on Cari's Facebook wall in case she hasn't told everyone yet.

It's now Friday it is 65 degrees in the house because the temps dropped into the 40's last night and I'm sitting at the dining room table wrapped in a blanket and drinking my early grey tea.
I slept great for the first time this week, but it was hard to get out from under the covers this morning.

And now you see how my week has been up, down and all over the place.
But like I said, this weekend is going to be a great break for all of us.

So now I have to go pack, run to the art supplies store and a few others errands.
And I guess do a little homework.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

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