Saturday, March 23, 2013


Thought I would follow-up with Ben's defense news. 
He VERY successfully defended and passed. 
He was concerned that he would get yelled at or asked to change something.
On the contrary. 
They praised his work.
They brought up a few questions, but did not ask for any changes to be made. 
I think they are also used to getting MUCH worse from students. 
All of the grad students in the jazz department asked for extensions last year because they weren't able to finish on time. 
But Ben is a very natural writer and academic. 
I am glad he is the one who attended FSU and had to write the huge paper in 1 week, and not me. 
He will be proofreading all of my papers when I am in grad school. 
He was nervous, but I knew he had no need to be. 
We celebrated at Monk's with burgers last night.
Then we watched March Madness.
Seeing Florida Gulf Coast beat Georgetown was awesome. 
I watched KU a little passed half time. 
Sickness was wearing me down, and I trusted that they would win in the end. 
And they did.

So here we go. 
Ben's recital is in exactly 3 weeks.
5 more weeks of school.
We decided that we're moving out on May 12.
Mom and Dad can hopefully show up on May 11 and we can pack up.
Then take off on the 12th and be back in South Dakota by the 13th.
And hopefully they can bring Paula as my driving buddy. 

It is about ready to storm down here.
VERY dark outside.
And Ben had better hurry because he's running 8 miles right now.
The weather is SO different than what it was last year.
Close to this same time last year Alyssa and Austin came to visit and we went to the BEACH!
We've had a few warm days, but it has stayed fairly temperate. 
Perhaps we've had a little more rain?
Definitely cooler than before.
Regardless, we're so grateful. 
The longer we can stave off the heat, the better. 

I'm going to attempt some reading for class.
Nurse whatever illness is in my throat.
Make blackberry pancakes.
Finish laundry.
And listen to the rain and thunder.
Ben will likely be soaking when he returns.

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