Sunday, January 13, 2013

front row seats

The best part about going to an enormous school: 
free tickets to huge sporting events

I still can't really get into football. 
I've tried.
I still don't care.
I never played it so I have little connection with that adrenaline rush you get from slamming into someone and causing degenerative diseases in your body later on in life.
 I'll go to games or Superbowl parties for the food and socializing, but that's about it. 
But basketball I can actually get into. 
We weren't in the front row, but we WERE 2nd row in the student section. 
Florida State played the University of North Carolina, coached by Roy Williams (who used to coach the KU Jayhawks).
I think way to much money and adoration goes into sports in this country, but this was a tense game and it felt pretty good to scream and throw your hands in the air with hundreds of others when Michael Snaer cashed a three. 

Just been reading a TON of psychology. Pretty great, actually. 
I need to prepare for a busy day tomorrow, so on to Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Susan, you should get bloglovin'! I want to follow you on there:)
